Friday, January 16, 2009


Bambi is not real. She is a minor sub-personality - a fiction. And yet, paradoxically, Bambi has real desires. Real needs.

I hear you asking yourself, what is the best way to get Bambi moving in the direction of the boudoir?

Yves Saint Lauent Croc Muse in Fuschia and Blue...You've Got Bambi's attention now! This would be, as they say in curatorial circles, a good entry point.

And I think you can be assured of a mouthful of Bambi's Hotter Than Hell Armageddon A Go Go Hot Sauce if you show up with one of these:


When Bambi attended Shiksadrome University in Poughkeepsie New York she learned that a PURSE is Semiotic signifier for the WOMB.
And that's why she needs an Alligator Purse. Snap! Snap!

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